
I'm very sad that Propliner is shutting down.

I've been a loyal Propliner subscriber for many years. I always enjoyed reading your magazine, from articles about aircraft like the Viking that I was never able to experience, to trips to the farthest corners of the world. Every issue was an adventure. Your magazine's demise is a tremendous loss to our hobby, because the articles and pictures within it will never again be so accessible.

Rest assured that your hard work will not be forgotten. 100 years from now, I'm sure aviation historians will continue to refer to the historic information you so painstakingly documented in Propliner, in much the same way that maritime historians still refer to books and newspaper articles from the 19th century about the Clipper ships - and 22nd century aviation historians will be as grateful for all your hard work as Propliner's subscribers are.

Added: March 25, 2015
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come on and tell me / all of us it is not true!
The saddest day of them all!
No PROPLINER any more: The world is coming to an end!
I have sent a letter by post to you, maybe with some ideas, hints and/or suggestions. Too much and too personal to type it in public along these lines.
Sorry, you had rather preferred an e-mail, I know, but I had to put it to paper.
Being the saddest person under the sun!

Added: March 25, 2015
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I shall miss "Propliner" very much; It brought back so many memories of my days at Gatwick with [original] Caledonian Airways & Transglobe
I just hope another publication appears, although it will be so hard to match "Propliner" :!cry:

Added: March 24, 2015
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Thank you very much Tony Merton Jones for the great work you have been doing all these years , I am quite sad to ear that you cannot continue and I certainly shall miss my copy of Propliner magazine as I was hooked since the very beginning .
I still have every single issues since number one and I will keep them forever.
I hope you will keep this website active and perhaps could you add a Propnews section here.
Thank you again Tony and all contributors and thank you Stephen Piercey.

Added: March 24, 2015
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Very sorry to hear that issue 141 will be the last. Your team of knowledgeable enthusiasts deserve an accolade for having produced a consistently excellent magazine for almost four decades. If printing costs have become a problem why not consider a digital version as I am sure there is still so much to write about. Farewell but not good bye!

Added: March 22, 2015
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Just been told that prop liner magazine will not publish anymore copies after No 141 don't know what the problem is but will all will find out very soon (Very sad day for prop enthusiasts). STEVE..". :!cry:

Added: March 20, 2015
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Propliner is for me the one and only magazine for prop driven aircraft. Superb reports, very good photographs and always uo to date. was agreat help for me finding propliners worldwide to use in my propliner dvds.
Regards, Alex Waning. APVW aviation dvds

Added: January 17, 2015
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First Manston, now Blackpool lost to the developers; Such a shame to see these airfields with so much propliner history lost; :!cry:

Added: October 16, 2014
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I met Stephen back in the eightys. He did one of the early stories in propliner about my Comany Classicair I had the two Connies at Van Nuys Airport, Ca.
Steve was one great young man.
From Ascher Ward :D :) :p ;) :o :D :!cool: :D :!cool: :!cooAirportl: :!cry:

Added: July 23, 2014
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MANSTON; just hope this historic airfield can be saved ! so much propliner history there; :!cry:

Added: April 24, 2014
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